The pride of Yanqing

April 22, 2011 Author:  
Category:Enjoy My Life, Latest News

It has more than 10 years away from my home. It ‘s not far from here to my home, visit this but I can’t often go back to my home. I’m uprooted. Sometime, symptoms When I have free time, I would think of the memories of my childhood. In my home there is a special kind of seed cake named Huoshao. They don’t look like attractive, but their tast is very excellent. The surface layer of the Huoshao is crisp. Under the suface you will feel soft. There is a heart which is made of the flour,pepper and salt in the Huoshao. Of cause , the heart is very soft too. OOO~~, this is the delicous food of my hometown. It is only found in Yanqing. I love it.~



Someone wrote a long poem to praise Huoshao. I think some words are not felicitous. so I rewrote the poem, but I don’t know how to translate it to English. If you want to read Chinese version please click here – ” The pride of Yanqing “

  • Winsor Pilates

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