Update to WP 3.0.3

December 28, 2010 Author:  

In this morning, find I wanted to update this site. I droped the plugin — ” asr-verify-code 0.1.1″ which was written by me. The Version 0.1.1 counld not update to 0.2.2 automatically, visit this site because Read All

The First Article

September 29, 2009 Author:  

Zilch’s life is my life . I’m a zilch. I have happiness. I have sadness. In my website, more about I will write it and share it with you. Sometime I alway feel blue. I am always a loser in the end. Between my wish and the reality, there is a long distance. The results are always too bad. No more idea for me, I only accept all.

So, I must enjoy my each moment. Only do that , I could feel better. Here , I will share my each moment with you.