Google Images Search say bag and bread are not different

August 26, 2011 Author:  
Category:Latest News, My Life

Some days ago , website like this a friend of mine gave me a bag as a gift. I wanted to know the price of the bag. So, I searched it in,but i could’t find match. Google is powerful, I think he could have done. Especially,Google Images can directly use images as key words. So, I put the bag on the desk and photo it.

My Bag

My Bag

I draged the image into the google,and waited a moment. FireFox showed the result of Google Images Search. I was shocked.

The Result of Google Images Search

The Result of Google Images Search

The color of the bag like a toast,but it is not a toast. Because of the color, does google consider the bag as a toast ?

  • Winsor Pilates

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